About Us

We are a team of one with a collaboration of many.

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Meet your Coach

Hi! I’m Elaine, The Fracture Life Owner, your Coach, aka your new best friend!

I’ve been a life coach, mentor and Domestic Violence Advocate for the better part of a decade now. I recently endured years of Family Court hell, when on the bench during the final trial, my exes slime-ball, Better Call Saul attorney demanded to know why exactly I was offering my services without making any money. The Judge waited patiently for a reply from me, to which I had nothing but, “I’m just here to help”

This experience lit a fire under me and I took this opportunity to elevate and define my coaching services. The very experiences that held me captive and helpless for 21 years in an abusive marriage, could be your way out!

I escaped a two decade long domestic violence relationship with no support system and no job.

I built an online retail store with the $50 that I made selling my children’s clothes on consignment to a six figure business within a year, while nursing my third grader through Stage III Cancer, alone.

I fought my way through an ongoing Family Court Battle with a Sociopathic Narcissist who had his sights set on my little boy, and won custody against all odds. And kept my house too!

I did it and you can too~

Utilize my experience and education to set yourself free and on the path that you were meant to be on. It’s never too late.


Bachelor’s of Science in Applied Psychology, UMUC

Master’s of Social Science (MSS) Ohio University

Narcissist Abuse Coach Program 2023

Our Approach

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We are a team of thousands. Add your story and experiences. Through Research and Correlation we will thrive!